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Graham is a Strategic Lead Nurse in Learning Disabilities. Explore how he reached his current position from the training and qualifications he's completed to what brings him joy in the role. 

Graham Duff

Achieving something that will improve a person’s life, whether it is someone with a learning disability or the nurses or other professionals and care staff that work with them.

on what brings joy to the role


Overview of current role

Setting: Local authority

My role focuses on the strategic direction for learning disability nursing from a social care setting, with interfaces across primary, secondary and tertiary care through an integrated (with the NHS) commissioning framework.


How did I get here

I started as a nursing assistant in the NHS working in a small residential and respite service for people with a learning disability and then went on to do my nurse training.

I have purposely diversified across health, social care and the private sector, but also in community, hospital, clinical leadership, children and adults, gathering as much experience and knowledge as I could. I’ve always thought that when working with people, there were two sides of the coin, health and social care and, in order to do a reasonable job, I needed access and experience in both.

Future aspirations are leading towards retirement, I feel privileged to have been part of the social and health improvements for people with disabilities over the last few decades.


What brings me joy

Achieving something that will improve a person’s life, whether it is someone with a learning disability or the nurses or other professionals and care staff that work with them.


Qualifications and education

To be a registered nurse for people with a learning disability.


Training, knowledge and skills

I think it is a combination of training and experience. I have BA(Hons) Degree in Health Care Management and have pursued a career in management flexibly across the NHS, Social Care and the private sector. This has included working in mental health services, acquired brain injury and older person’s services, alongside my main interest in learning disabilities.